Chinese Medicine Group, Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-based Medicine Association of Chinese Medical Association. Expert Consensus on Clinical Research Methodology of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the New Era[J]. Medical Journal of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, 2022, 13(5): 783-788. DOI: 10.12290/xhyxzz.2022-0428
Citation: Chinese Medicine Group, Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-based Medicine Association of Chinese Medical Association. Expert Consensus on Clinical Research Methodology of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the New Era[J]. Medical Journal of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, 2022, 13(5): 783-788. DOI: 10.12290/xhyxzz.2022-0428

Expert Consensus on Clinical Research Methodology of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the New Era

More Information
  • Corresponding author: HU Jingqing, E-mail:

  • Received Date: August 04, 2022
  • Accepted Date: August 16, 2022
  • Available Online: September 14, 2022
  • Issue Publish Date: September 29, 2022
  • To address the challenges of the new era and promote the rational application of clinical epidemiology and evidence-based medicine methods in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Chinese Medicine Group, the Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-based Medicine Association of Chinese Medical Association, gathered the related experts from all over the country and developed a consensus to improve the application of clinical epidemiology and evidence-based medicine methods in TCM. Delphi survey, consensus meetings and nominal groups were adopted in the process. This consensus summarizes the major challenges in the research of TCM and provides theoretical guidance for the development and application of clinical epidemiology and evidence-based medicine in TCM.
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