YU Jiren, WANG E, WANG Difen, CANG Jing, FENG Yi, ZHANG Xijing, YANG Yi, YANG Yunmei, WU Shuijing, WANG Weijian, DU Bin, SHANG You, LIN Ru, CHENG Baoli, XIE Guohao, FANG Xiangming. Expert Consensus on Perioperative Management of Elderly Septic Patients (2021)[J]. Medical Journal of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, 2021, 12(4): 481-489. DOI: 10.12290/xhyxzz.2021-0312
Citation: YU Jiren, WANG E, WANG Difen, CANG Jing, FENG Yi, ZHANG Xijing, YANG Yi, YANG Yunmei, WU Shuijing, WANG Weijian, DU Bin, SHANG You, LIN Ru, CHENG Baoli, XIE Guohao, FANG Xiangming. Expert Consensus on Perioperative Management of Elderly Septic Patients (2021)[J]. Medical Journal of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, 2021, 12(4): 481-489. DOI: 10.12290/xhyxzz.2021-0312

Expert Consensus on Perioperative Management of Elderly Septic Patients (2021)


National Key Research and Development Program of China 2018YFC2001904

More Information
  • Corresponding author:

    FANG Xiangming  Tel: 86-571-88208006, E-mail: xmfang@zju.edu.cn

  • Received Date: April 05, 2021
  • Accepted Date: April 28, 2021
  • Issue Publish Date: July 29, 2021
  • As the increasing of the aging population, the number of elderly surgical patients has increased exponentially.In elderly patients, a number of risk factors, such as comorbidities, premedication status, malnutrition, weakness, and impaired function of the immune system (or immune senescence), which are associated with a higher susceptibility to sepsis.These factors not only increase the risk of sepsis, but also lead to more severe manifestations of infection and may be associated with higher mortality.Elderly patients with sepsis had a poor prognosis compared to non-elderly patients, but there was no significant difference in the treatment.In addition, the survivors of elderly septic patients also had poorer quality of life.Therefore, in order to optimize the perioperative management of elderly patients, clinical experts from relevant disciplines discussed this issue and formulated this consensus.
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