
Exploration of General Surgery Clinical Internship Teaching Mode for Medical Students from "4+4" Pilot Class

  • 摘要: 目前,国内多所院校已开设八年制临床医学专业,为培养现代化高层次医学人才作出了重要贡献。近年来,北京协和医学院基于传统“八年一贯制”培养模式进行长学制医学教育模式改革,建立了“4+4”临床医学培养体系。北京协和医院基本外科配合学制改革,根据课程设置及临床实际情况,在北京协和医学院2020级“4+4”试点班学生中开展基本外科临床见习教学新模式,该模式在培养学生学习兴趣、帮助学生全面了解外科疾病、为后续临床实习夯实基础等方面成效显著,并初步获得学生认可。本文对该教学模式进行介绍,以期为优化临床医学教育提供参考。


    Abstract: Eight-year M.D. program has been widely developed in many universities and colleges in China, and has played an important role in training high-level medical talents. In recent years, Peking Union Medical College has carried out a new medical education program of "4+4" pilot class on the basis of the eight-year consistent mode. The General Surgery Department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, in line with the educational system reform, has explored clinical internship teaching mode for students from "4+4" pilot class, according to the requirements of the curriculum and the actual clinical situation. The new teaching mode is effective in cultivating students' interest in learning, helping them to comprehensively understand surgical diseases, and laying a solid foundation for subsequent clinical practice, which has been initially recognized by medical students. This study introduces this teaching mode in detail in order to improve future clinical medical education.


