
Clinical Practice Guidelines on Platinum Therapy in Gynecological Tumors

  • 摘要: 铂类药物是作用机制独特的广谱抗肿瘤药物,以铂类药物为基础的联合化疗是妇科肿瘤最常用的化疗方案。紫杉醇联合卡铂方案是上皮性卵巢癌的首选标准方案,顺铂是子宫颈癌的首选铂类药物。耐药是铂类药物临床应用中面临的最大挑战,此外,应积极预防和处理铂类药物不良反应及过敏反应。《妇科肿瘤铂类药物临床应用指南》旨在规范铂类药物的临床用药方案及用药后管理。


    Abstract: Platinum drugs have a wide spectrum of activity and remarkable therapeutic effects. Platinum-based chemotherapy is a widely recommended regimen for gynecology oncology. Carboplatin/paclitaxel is the "standard" combination of the first choice of therapy for patients with ovarian cancer. Cisplatin is preferred for cervical cancer. Preventing and mitigating adverse events and drug reactions are an important part of platinum treatment. For platinum-resistant disease, non-platinum-based agents or regimens are preferred. Platinum resistance remains an urgent challenge for the treatment of gynecological tumors. In order to standardize the clinical management of platinum therapy, we organized experts and scholars to discuss many times, and finally formed this consensus.


