于东方创现代医学儿科: 北京协和医院儿科的早期发展(1922—1942)

Locating Biomedicine in China: the Development of the Division of Pediatrics in Peking Union Medical College Hospital(1922—1942)

  • 摘要: 北京协和医院儿科是我国现代儿科发源地之一, 培养出了许多优秀的儿科学家, 在我国现代儿科史上具有举足轻重的地位。本研究参考北京协和医院年报、人事档案, 结合医学论文、回忆录等一手史料及现有研究中的二手史料, 追溯并梳理了北京协和医院儿科的早期发展史, 旨在深入挖掘北京协和医学院和北京协和医院的历史, 丰富我国儿科史研究, 并进一步了解近代中国医学与社会发展史。


    Abstract: The division of pediatrics in Peking Union Medical College Hospital(PUMCH)is one of the birthplaces of modern pediatrics in China. Many excellent pediatricians have studied and worked there. It played an important role in the history of modern pediatrics in China. This study traced the history of pediatrics in PUMCH, using the annual reports and personnel files as main source materials. Other historical materials such as medical theses, memoirs, and second-hand materials were also studied. The purpose of this paper is to deepen the study of the history of Peking Union Medical College and PUMCH, enrich the research on the history of pediatrics in China, and better understand the development of medicine and the society of modern China.


