
Principles, Techniques and Advances of the Lateral Skull Base Surgery

  • 摘要: 侧颅底外科的主要目的是在保证患者生命安全的基础上,彻底切除肿瘤,降低患者的死亡率,提高患者的生活质量。遵循基本的外科治疗原则、掌握必要的手术技术是保证手术安全和治疗效果的重要前提。随着医疗水平的整体进步,侧颅底外科进入了快速发展的新阶段,同时也面临着新的机遇与挑战。本文主要介绍了侧颅底外科的基本原则和技术进展,并对未来发展作出简要展望。


    Abstract: The primary goal of the lateral skull base surgery is to radically resect tumors, as well as to reduce mortality and improve quality of life, on the basis of guaranteeing life safety of patients. Following surgical principles and mastering necessary operative skills are essential to ensure the safety and therapeutic effects of the surgery. With the advances of medical science, the lateral skull base surgery has stepped into a new stage, encountering new opportunities as well as challenges. This article summarized the fundamental principles and techniques of lateral skull base surgery, and briefly looked forward to the future in this field.


