
Attaching Importance to the Standardized Construction of Artificial Intelligence Database of Medical Imaging

  • 摘要: 医学影像被认为是人工智能最具落地潜力的领域之一。然而,人工智能面临着医学影像大数据持续积累所带来的挑战:缺乏高质量数据集、行业标准、管理规范等。因此,构建符合我国国情、法律/法规及科研人员使用习惯的标准化医学影像数据库势在必行。FAIR数据准则(可查询、可访问、可交互、可再用)有望在数据库构建、数据采集以及医学影像数据描述术语规范化等方面发挥指导作用。期待在国内学者的共同努力下,推动医学影像人工智能标准化数据库的建设。


    Abstract: Medical imaging is regarded as one of the most potential domains where artificial intelligence can be applied in practice. However, artificial intelligence is facing challenges resulting from continuous growth of data, such as lack of high-quality data, lack of standardization in domain, lack of effective data management and regulation. Therefore, it is necessary to construct a standardized medical imaging database complying with the national condition of China, laws/regulations, and using habits of researchers. FAIR data principle (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) may play a key role in database construction, data acquisition, and regulating descriptions of medical imaging data. Looking forward to boosting the standardized construction of artificial intelligence databases of medical imaging under the combined efforts of national researchers.


