GONG Liyun, WANG Xiaomei, PENG Guoqing, YU Huan, TAO Xiaoman. Reporting Guidelines for Healthcare Guideline Adaptations: An Interpretation of the RIGHT-Ad@pt Checklist[J]. Medical Journal of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, 2025, 16(1): 204-215. DOI: 10.12290/xhyxzz.2024-0063
Citation: GONG Liyun, WANG Xiaomei, PENG Guoqing, YU Huan, TAO Xiaoman. Reporting Guidelines for Healthcare Guideline Adaptations: An Interpretation of the RIGHT-Ad@pt Checklist[J]. Medical Journal of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, 2025, 16(1): 204-215. DOI: 10.12290/xhyxzz.2024-0063

Reporting Guidelines for Healthcare Guideline Adaptations: An Interpretation of the RIGHT-Ad@pt Checklist


the General Program of Chongqing Natural Science Foundation CSTB2023NSCQ-MSX0466

the Kuanren Talents Programme of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University kryc-lj-2108

More Information
  • Corresponding author:

    WANG Xiaomei, E-mail: 300394@hospital.cqmu.edu.cn

  • Received Date: January 28, 2024
  • Accepted Date: March 10, 2024
  • Available Online: November 28, 2024
  • Publish Date: November 27, 2024
  • Issue Publish Date: January 29, 2025
  • Clinical practice guideline adaptation (hereinafter referred to as "guideline adaptation") is the consolidation and revision of existing high-quality guidelines so that the recommendations are better suited to the specific needs of different regions, thereby guiding optimal clinical practice. Currently, the guideline adaptations is increasing in number internationally, but their reporting quality still needs to be improved. In 2022, the RIGHT-Ad@pt guideline adaptation reporting checklist was released. It provides a detailed description of the guideline adaptation process and reporting content, which will significantly enhance the rigor, transparency, and standardization of guideline adaptations. This paper interprets and analyzes the 34 items on the checklist, with the aim of providing reference for guideline adapters to standardize the reporting process.

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