SHI Qianling, LIU Hui, WANG Zijun, LUO Xufei, WANG Bingyi, YANG Nan, MENG Wenbo, CHEN Yaolong. How to Correctly Understand and Use the Low-quality Evidence to Formulate Recommendations in Guidelines[J]. Medical Journal of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, 2024, 15(3): 676-685. DOI: 10.12290/xhyxzz.2024-0278
Citation: SHI Qianling, LIU Hui, WANG Zijun, LUO Xufei, WANG Bingyi, YANG Nan, MENG Wenbo, CHEN Yaolong. How to Correctly Understand and Use the Low-quality Evidence to Formulate Recommendations in Guidelines[J]. Medical Journal of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, 2024, 15(3): 676-685. DOI: 10.12290/xhyxzz.2024-0278

How to Correctly Understand and Use the Low-quality Evidence to Formulate Recommendations in Guidelines


CAMS Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences-Research Unit of Evidence-based Evaluation and Guidelines 2021RU017

More Information
  • Corresponding author:

    CHEN Yaolong, E-mail:

    MENG Wenbo, E-mail:

  • Received Date: April 28, 2024
  • Accepted Date: May 20, 2024
  • Available Online: May 29, 2024
  • Publish Date: May 29, 2024
  • Issue Publish Date: May 29, 2024
  • The essence of clinical practice guidelines lies in their recommendations. It is common to find strong recommendations supported by low-quality evidence in current published guidelines. There is a typical misunderstanding among medical professionals that without high-quality evidence, it is impossible to develop high-quality guidelines or only expert consensus can be developed. Based on the GRADE approach, this paper explains the concept and clinical significance of low-quality evidence, and introduces the methods for formulating recommendations based on low-quality evidence in guidelines, with the aim to provide reference for guideline developers and users in China.

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