
Abdominal Pain, Duodenal Ulcer, Portal Hypertension:Unusual "Pancreatic Mass"

  • 摘要: 一例青年男性患者,胰腺占位,侵犯十二指肠及门静脉,继发腹腔积液、消化道出血,病情复杂,诊疗难度大。经多学科团队共同讨论,考虑患者为胰腺结核,抗结核治疗过程中出现多种药物副反应,及时调整方案后获得了良好治疗效果。胰腺结核属于罕见病,对该例患者的诊治体现了多学科协作在疑难病诊疗过程中的重要意义。


    Abstract: This patient was a young man with a pancreatic mass that invaded the duodenum and portal vein, leading to ascites and gastrointestinal bleeding. The condition of this patient was complicated, and the diagnosis and treatment was difficult. After the multidisciplinary team participated in the discussion, the diagnosis was considered to be pancreatic tuberculosis. A variety of drug side effects occurred during the anti-tuberculosis treatment. After timely adjustment of the plan, a good treatment result was obtained. Pancreatic tuberculosis is a rare disease. The diagnosis and treatment of this patient reflects the significance of multidisciplinary team on the diagnosis and treatment of difficult diseases.


