
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Past and Present

  • 摘要: 急性呼吸窘迫综合征(acute respiratory distress syndrome,ARDS)出生伊始就注定了其不平凡的一生。因为ARDS不仅起源于概念的突破,而且带来了临床治疗的误区。从前驱疾病到真正的病因,从呼吸机作为主要治疗方法到成为重要的致病因素,从注重通气功能到对肺血流改变的临床无视,从肺脏损伤到其他器官作为病情的共同组成,等等,这些由ARDS带领下走过的弯路不应再被简单重复。


    Abstract: Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) was destined to have an extraordinary life at the beginning of its birth, because ARDS not only originated from a new concept, but also brought the misunderstandings in clinical treatment. From pre-diseases to the real causes, from the ventilator as the main therapeutic method to becoming an important etiology, from focusing on ventilation function to disregarding pulmonary blood flow, from isolated lung disease to other organ injuries as the common components, and so on, physicians have to look back on these detours but not simply to repeat these mistakes again, and effectively to identify the road ahead.


