
The Development of Thrombolytic Agents

  • 摘要: 血栓性疾病是临床上常见的一类疾病, 溶栓药物对于其急性期治疗起到了关键作用。自1933年链激酶被发现以来, 溶栓药物发展迅速。从早期不具有纤维蛋白特异性的第一代溶栓药物, 发展为目前临床上广泛应用的新一代基因重组药物, 溶栓的有效性和安全性得到了巨大提升。临床的不断探索, 使得溶栓药物在急性血栓性疾病治疗中得到越来越广泛的应用, 在降低疾病致残率、病死率中起到了决定性作用。但已有的溶栓药物仍然存在可导致严重出血、再通率有限、半衰期短、有免疫原性及价格昂贵等缺点, 未来仍需不断探索, 寻求新的突破。


    Abstract: Thrombotic diseases are common in clinical practice, and thrombolytic agents play a key role in the treatment during the acute period. Thrombolytic agents have developed rapidly since the discovery of streptokinase in 1933. The efficacy and safety of thrombolysis have been improved significantly as the agents progressed from the early generation without fibrin specificity to the current generation of gene recombinant drugs. With continuous exploration in clinical practice, thrombolytic agents that are used widely in the treatment during the acute period of thrombotic diseases are the key to reduce disability and mortality. However, current existing thrombolytic agents still have disadvantages such as severe bleeding, limited recanalization, short half-life, immunogenicity, high price, and so on. It still needs to explore new breakthroughs in the future.


