
Constructed the Global Health Policy and Management Evidence Clearinghouse to Facilitate Evidence-based Policymaking and Health Governance for Sustainable Development

  • 摘要: 为提升卫生政策制定过程的透明度,确保政策制定的科学性和严谨性,循证决策的思想越来越受到推崇;通过构建全球卫生政策与管理证据数据库,整合全球范围内最佳实践与科学研究成果,可为政策制定者提供最佳证据。因此,本文将介绍全球卫生政策与管理证据数据库的构建目标、系统定位、证据范围、技术实现和功能模块,旨在阐释其在全球卫生政策与管理领域中的重要价值和潜在影响。


    Abstract: In order to enhance the transparency of the health policy making process and to ensure the scientific and rigorous of policy making, the concept of evidence-based policy making has been increasingly promoted. By constructing a global health policy and management evidence clearinghouse, which integrates the best practices and scientific research results worldwide, can provide policy makers with the best evidence. Therefore, this paper introduces the objectives,system positioning, evidence scope, technical implementation and functional module of the Global Health Policy and Management Evidence Clearinghouse (HPME), aiming to illustrate its significant value and potential impact in the field of global health policy and management.


