
The UNISON, 1924 and Its Historical Significance

  • 摘要: 1924年北京协和医学院第一届医学生毕业之际,协和学子们自发编写并印发了毕业纪念册The Unison(《协医年刊》)。全书正文186页约5.5万字,以英文、中文穿插形式行文,配有照片135张、插图32张,详尽介绍了北京协和医学院及医院创办历史,校董会和领导团队、学科师资、班级同学、学生团体和活动,刊登了校历、校歌、同学录、诗歌、剧本等,全面、系统、准确、真实展现了1924年协和医学院和医院的全貌及学生们的思想和学习生活状态。《协医年刊》编撰于协和建院早期,参与了协和文化的塑造和传播,具有特殊的医学史和医学人文价值。由协和学子提炼的,设计成本书扉页形象章的“Scienceand Humanity”演变成为“科学济人道(Science for Humanity)”的表述。


    Abstract: In 1924, in honor of the first graduation of Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) , the student association of PUMC published their first yearbook “The Unison”. The book was compiled and presented in a mix of text (English and Chinese) and pictures (135 photographs and 32 illustrations), consisting of 186 pages and over 55,000 words. It comprehensively introduced the organizational history, board of trustees and administration, departments and faculty, medical and nursing classes, student organizations and activities in PUMC. It also published beautiful articles, poems, drama scripts written by PUMC students. It is a comprehensive, systematic, accurate and authentic record of PUMC and Peking Union Medical College Hospital (PUMCH) in 1924, providing rich and valuable details in regards to academic and spiritual lives of faculty and students. Compiled during the early years of PUMC and PUMCH, the book also contributed to the formation of PUMC and PUMCH culture. The phrase “Science and Humanity” proposed by its editors and printed on the title page, had evolved into the expression the of the college motto, “Science for Humanity”.


