
William Lockhart and the Early Development of Peking Hospital (1861—1863)

  • 摘要: 传教士雒魏林于1861年在北京创办了施医院。1861—1863年间,雒魏林在施医院不仅治愈了大量病患,同时带来了西医外科技术、卫生消毒观念和病案管理制度。在施医院运营过程中,其经济来源与运行模式、服务范围与就诊人数,以及传教功能,均体现其独特存在价值。施医院不仅是东西方医学交流的重要桥梁,还推动了近代中国医疗体系的转型以及现代卫生观念的转变,对现代医学事业产生了一定影响。


    Abstract: In 1861, the missionary William Lockhart founded the Peking Hospital in Beijing. From 1861 to 1863, William Lockhart not only cured a large number of patients in the Peking Hospital but also introduced western surgical techniques, hygiene and disinfection concepts, and medical record management systems. During its operation, the Peking Hospital's unique value can be seen in its sources and modes of financing, scope of services, number of patients treated, and missionary functions. The Peking Hospital served as a vital bridge for the exchange of medical knowledge between the East and the West, and it played a pivotal role in transforming China's modern medical system and modern health concepts, exerting a profound influence on the development of modern medicine.


