Palliative Care: Understanding and Responsibility
摘要: 缓和医疗的发展方兴未艾, 但临床对其认识仍然浅显, 且可能存在较大偏颇。本文从缓和医疗的本源出发, 阐释缓和医疗的内涵以及重要性, 以期加深医务工作者对缓和医疗的理解, 从而推动缓和医疗理念在临床的贯彻实施。Abstract: Palliative care is in the ascendant, but the clinical understanding of it is still shallow and may have significant biases. This article introduces the origin of palliative care and explains its connotation and importance, in order to deepen the understanding of medical workers on palliative care and promote the implementation of relevant concepts in clinical practice.