
Application of the CITE Mode of Ward Rounds in Teaching Critical Clinical Thinking

  • 摘要: 随着重症医学的快速发展,重症临床思维的特殊性和专业性愈发凸显。如何让年轻医生快速、准确掌握重症临床思维是重症临床教学的重点和难点之一。北京协和医院重症医学团队探索出的CITE临床查房模式,将训练重症临床思维融入至日常床旁查房中,可快速培养年轻医生的重症临床思维能力,实现高质量医疗服务的延续和统一。


    Abstract: With the rapid development of critical care medicine (CCM), the particularity and professionalism of critical clinical thinking has become increasingly apparent. To grasp critical clinical thinking quickly and accurately is a key and difficult point in clinical training for young doctors. The CCM team of Peking Union Medical College Hospital summarized the CITE(Case characteristic, Index, Target, Execute) mode of ward rounds. This mode integrated the training of critical clinical thinking into daily bedside rounds and tried to rapidly develop the ability of critical clinical thinking of the young doctors and to achieve continuous and high-quality medical services.


