Digital Doctors and Parallel Healthcare: From Medical Knowledge Automation to Intelligent Metasystems Medicine
摘要: 针对数字转型和智慧医疗面临的诸多问题,本文讨论如何利用人工智能和数字医生,包括各种数字孪生和元宇宙方法及设想,特别是平行智能技术,集复杂性医学、跨学科医学、系统智能医学为一体,从医疗保健服务的专业分工、人机分工、虚实分工角度,构造新一代医学智能平台与设施,发展主动、精准、个性化、虚实平行互动的低成本、高效益智慧医疗服务事业。Abstract: This paper proposes the concept of digital doctors and their roles in parallel healthcare for the digital transformation of medical services based on atificial intelligence and intelligent technology. By integrating complexity medicine, transdisciplinary medicine, and systematized intelligent medicine, we outline an ACP-based parallel healthcare and federated hospitals for preventive, proactive, precise, and personalized medical services.