With the development of technology, doctors can diagnose and treat many diseases through telemedicine. At present, teleophthalmology is mainly used in screening and diagnosing some ocular diseases, monitor-ing chronic ocular diseases, as well as teleconsultation. With the increasing demand and application of teleophthalmology, some problems will gradually become prominent, such as insufficient equipment and staff, medical risks, patient acceptance and satisfaction, network security, privacy, and covering of medical insurance. The global pandemic of COVID-19 has unexpectedly brought telemedicine to the forefront of ophthalmic services, and may continue to change the way of ophthalmic diagnosis and treatment. With the development of artificial intelligence technology, the expansion of 5G communication network coverage, the standardized training of primary medical staff, and the introduction of relevant laws and regulations, teleophthalmology will become more improved, universal, and widely applied, so as to provide patients with sustainable medical services of higher quality.