
Decreased Muscle Strength, Type 2 Respiratory Failure, Heart Failure, Positive Anti-mitochondrial Antibodies—Rare Atypical Manifestations of Inflammatory Myopathy

  • 摘要: 一例老年女性患者,慢性病程,临床表现为下肢进行性肌力下降、心力衰竭、二氧化碳潴留,伴眶周色素沉着、眉周毳毛增多及多种自身抗体阳性。经多学科讨论,以膈肌运动减低引起的限制性通气功能障碍为突破口,逐步梳理病因,结合临床表现、血液学与影像学特征以及股四头肌肌肉病理与免疫组化结果,最终诊断为抗线粒体抗体相关炎性肌病。通过纠正心力衰竭、间断无创呼吸机辅助通气及康复训练,患者临床症状及功能状态明显改善。该患者不具有抗线粒体抗体相关炎性肌病的典型表现,能快速明确病因并解决诊疗决策中的难题,再次体现了多学科协作在疑难病诊治中的重要作用。


    Abstract: An elderly woman with a chronic course of disease presented with progressive weakness of lower limbs, heart failure, carbon dioxide retention, periorbital pigmentation, increased hair around the eyebrows, as well as multiple positive autoantibodies. After multidisciplinary team discussion, restrictive ventilatory dysfunction caused by significantly decreased diaphragm movement was taken as a breakthrough to sort out the etiology step by step. Based on clinical manifestations, serological and imaging features, as well as immunohistochemical staining of quadriceps femoris pathological complement, the final diagnosis of inflammatory myopathy associated with anti-mitochondrial antibodies was established. After correcting heart failure, intermittent non-invasive ventilation and rehabilitation training, clinical symptoms and functional status of the patient were significantly improved. The joint participation of the multidisciplinary team to identify the causes and solve problems in diagnosis and treatment decision-making reflects the great significance of multidisciplinary collaboration in rare diseases.


