
Be on the Alert for Norovirus Epidemics and Outbreaks

  • 摘要: 诺如病毒(norovirus, NV)是一种线性单链正向RNA病毒,是引起人急性胃肠炎流行和暴发的主要病原体,其传播途径复杂,低载量即可引起感染。现有实验室检测方法多样,包括直接电镜检测法、免疫检测法和分子生物学检测法。警惕NV的流行及暴发、规范病例管理、保持手卫生、清洁消毒环境、开展健康教育是NV感染防控的关键。


    Abstract: Norovirus is a linear single-stranded positive-sense RNA virus. It is one of the main pathogens causing acute gastroenteritis in humans. The transmission route of norovirus infection is complex, along with a low infection dose. Currently there are different laboratory-based detection methods, including direct microscopy, immunological assay, and molecular biology test. Being on the alert for norovirus epidemics and outbreaks, regulating patient management, hand hygiene, implementation of cleaning and disinfection measures, and health education are the key points of prevention and control of norovirus infection.


