Objective To explore the scientific and objective assessment methods for evaluating the clinical practice skills of residents undergoing standardized training.Methods
Methods Multivariate generalizability theory was used to analyze the scores of objective structured clinical examination(OSCE) of clinical skills of trainees in Department of Radiology in Peking Union Medical College Hospital by analysis of variance, D analysis and G analy-sis.
Results The total relative generalizability coefficient of OSCE was 0.917, and the absolute generalizability coefficient was 0.912, which showed that the reliability of this assessment was higher. Test site increased to 6 stations which would greatly improve the test reliability, the relative generalizability coefficient increased to 0.976.
Conclusions Multivariate generalizability theory is an objective and scientific tool to evaluate the OSCE stations, and the analysis results are helpful to improve the practice for future OSCE.