Citation: | TIAN Chen, WANG Yong, YAN Yilong, LIU Yafei, LU Yao, SUN Mingyao, LIU Jianing, MA Yan, NING Jinling, YE Ziying, CHENG Qianji, LI Ying, HUANG Jiajie, YANG Shuihua, WANG Yiyun, TONG Bo, LU Jiale, GE Long. Construction and Testing of Health LifeStyle Evidence (HLSE)[J]. Medical Journal of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, 2024, 15(6): 1413-1421. DOI: 10.12290/xhyxzz.2024-0059 |
Healthy lifestyles and good living habits are effective strategies and important approaches to prevent chronic non-communicable diseases. With the development of evidence-based medicine, the evidence translation system has made some achievements in clinical practice. There is, however, no comprehensive, professional and efficient system for translating lifestyle evidence globally. Therefore, the Health Lifestyle Evidence (HLSE) Group of Lanzhou University constructed the HLSE Evidence Translation System (, with the aim of synthesizing, evaluating, translating, and applying lifestyle-related evidence resources. This paper aims to introduce the functional module design of the evidence translation system, the system development process and testing, introduce the interface design and function demonstration, and explain the significance of constructing the HLSE.
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