
The Characteristics of the Construction and Development of Biobank in the Era of Precision Medicine

  • 摘要: 近年来,在"健康中国"大背景下,精准医疗和生物样本库迎来了快速发展的黄金时期。精准医疗时代,生物样本库作为医疗行业的新兴领域,有其自身发展趋势和特点,表现为发展进程需标准化和规范化、高度依赖信息化建设、离不开多中心联盟和资源共享、需多学科融合支撑等。随着精准医学的不断发展,生物样本库已从生物样本和信息资源的整合平台,逐步发展为精准医疗研究的支撑服务平台及成果转化的合作平台。此外,生物样本库发展进程中尚存在数据安全、隐私保护及可持续发展运营等问题,亟待规范和完善。


    Abstract: In recent years, in the context of "Healthy China", precision medicine and biobanks have ushered in a golden period of rapid development. In the era of precision medicine, as an emerging field in the medical industry, biobanks have their own development trend and characteristics: the development process needs standardization, highly relies on information technology, is inseparable from multi-center alliance and resource sharing, and needs the support of multidisciplinary integration. With the continuous development of precision medicine, biobanks developed from its infancy stage, a platform of biological samples and information resource integration, into a service platform of precision medical study support and a platform of transformation cooperation. In addition, during the development stage of biobanks, there are problems of data security, privacy protection and sustainable operation.


