
Applying "Refactoring" Strategies to Promote the Interoperability Across Clinical Biobanks and Utilization of the Research Resources

  • 摘要: 自2009年起,我国生物样本库建设进入了快速发展时期。在发展过程中,由于建设理念和认识不同,生物样本库建设目标各异且相互之间协同性差,导致生物样本库资源共享与应用陷入困境。针对生物样本库发展面临的主要问题,本文引用计算机软件开发行业中的“重构(refactoring)”理念,讨论和阐明生物样本库建设和发展面临的主要问题及相应改进方式,旨在建议通过调整建设生物样本库的程序改善生物样本库的质量和功能,提高生物样本库建设成果的可维护性及建设模式的可扩展性,使生物样本库的设计模式和架构更趋于合理化。


    Abstract: Since 2009, especially with the discovery of biomarkers and disciplines of translational medicine, the development of Biobank in China has grown incredibly fast. However, we are still facing many challenges nowadays, and the most significant one is that we have not yet fully understood why, what and how we should build biobanks. The heterogeneity of goal setting for the development of Biobank highlights the challenge we need to solve in order to develop with synergy for achieving a greater value with cooperation. This challenge has turned out to result in poor integration of resources for larger research. This article believes that it is critical to have a strategic harmonization first before we can cooperate to improve the development of Biobank. To articulate it, we begin our discussion with a terminology of the industry of software development-"refactoring". Refactoring is a controlled technique improving the design of an existing code base: to avoid multiple small mistakes ahead for greater achievements with the minimal risk and cost before a system is finished. Refactoring is very applicable for us to rethink the way to design and cooperatively develop Biobanks. That would help us with: refactoring the deign of Biobank development; refactoring the strategy and methods; refactoring Biobank management. The entry point is to reconcile the difference between our desire and feasibility across Biobanks. The article will focus on articulating five elements of the Biobank development: the initial intention for goal setting, to rethink the way to develop, clinical annotation, quality assurance/quality control application, integration and sharing. In a summary, we need to set up a strategy for the development of Biobank in harmony and pave the way for the standardization of Biobanks. The goal is to build quality resource across Biobanks, to achieve quality research on the strategic discovery of biomarkers, and to improve healthcare with the research achievements based on Biobanks.


