
Effect of the Quadruple Therapy of Eradicating Helicobacter Pylori on Gastrointestinal Microecology

  • 摘要: 幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter plyori, Hp)的感染及治疗是全球普遍关注的热点问题。近年来全球多数地区Hp耐药性增加且根除率下降。目前根除Hp的一线疗法为四联疗法, 使用的抗生素比三联疗法剂量更大、疗程更长, 这会造成胃肠道菌群失调, 胃肠道微生态系统的组成发生改变, 优势菌群减少, 甚至导致小肠细菌过度生长、艰难梭菌的定植等。上述改变很可能与在根除Hp过程中产生的不良反应及根除后感染复发有关。


    Abstract: The infection and treatment of Helicobacter pylori(Hp) is a hot topic of global concern. However, in recent years, Hp resistance has increased and the eradication rate has decreased in most regions of the world. Therefore, current first-line therapy to eradicate Hp has been adjusted to the quadruple therapy, using more antibiotics and longer duration than the triple therapy. It has an inevitable effect on the gastrointestinal microecology and causes an imbalance of gastrointestinal flora, changes of the composition of the gastrointestinal micro-ecological system, decrease of dominant flora, overgrowth of the intestinal bacteria, and colonization of Clostridium difficile, etc. The above changes are likely related to the adverse reactions during the eradication of Hp and the recurrence of infection thereafter.


