Systematic Assessment and Intervention of Mental Health Status Should Be Integrated into Patient Safety Management
摘要: 患者及医务人员的心理行为问题是患者安全管理的重要影响因素, 即没有心理维度的安全管理, 就没有完整的患者安全管理。然而, 当前国内外患者安全管理指南中尚无心理行为问题的专门阐述。本文参考相关领域研究, 提出"将心理健康状态系统评估与干预纳入患者安全管理"的观点, 并建议使用专家咨询法进行探索性研究。Abstract: The status of mental health and behavior of patients and medical personnel is an important factor affecting the management of patient safety. There is no complete patient safety without the dimension of mental health. However, there is no specific setting about mental health and behavior issue in the management guidelines of patient safety in China and abroad. This paper put forward the viewpoint that "Systematic assessment and intervention of mental health status should be integrated into patient safety management" with reference to the researches in related fields, and suggested that Delph method should be used to carry out exploratory research.