Legend of Thoracic Surgery: the Earliest Exploration of Surgical Treatment for Esophageal Cancer in China was Carried Out in PUMCH
摘要: 20世纪40年代, 北京协和医院吴英恺教授和娄克斯教授组建了食管癌多科协作研究小组, 在国内最早进行食管癌外科治疗探索。本文回顾中国第一例食管癌切除及重建手术在北京协和医院开展的始末及历史意义, 总结吴英恺教授和娄克斯教授早期开展食管癌外科治疗的围手术期管理经验, 以及对食管吻合技术提出的优化方案。Abstract: In the 1940s, Wu Ying-kai and Harold H. Loucks set up a multi-branch cooperation group on esophageal cancer in Peking Union Medical College Hospital and the earliest exploration of surgical treatment for esophageal cancer was carried out in China.This paper reviewed the experience and historical significance of the first operation of esophageal cancer resection and reconstruction in China and summarized the experience of Wu Ying-kai and Harold H.Loucks on perioperative management of esophageal cancer surgery and optimization of the esophageal anastomosis.