
Campaigning for the Transformation from Anesthesiology to Perioperative Medicine: Interpretation on the Anesthesia Part of Consensus on ERAS and Guidelines for the Pathway Management in China (2018)

  • 摘要: 《加速康复外科中国专家共识及路径管理指南(2018版)》的发布, 标志着中国在推进加速康复外科方面向前迈出了重要一步。对其麻醉部分进行解读对于麻醉医生更好地了解围手术期管理过程中的临床实践方法和管理路径具有重要指导价值。本文结合指南的麻醉部分, 对其关键内容进行了循证医学证据的深度挖掘, 从围手术期医学角度进一步明示麻醉学临床实践的未来发展方向。


    Abstract: As Consensus on ERAS and Guidelines for the Pathway Management in China (2018) was published, China has taken an important step forward in promoting the enhanced recovery protocol. The interpretation of its anesthesia part has an important guidance for anesthesiologists to better understand clinical practice methods and the pathway of perioperative management. The interpretation made a deep evidence-based exploration in the anesthesia-related core parts from the guideline, aiming to further disclose the direction of the development of clinical practice of anesthesiology in the near future from the vision of perioperative medicine.


