
Application of Artificial Intelligence in Ultrasound Medicine

  • 摘要: 人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)近几年再度成为各领域关注的焦点,其中深度学习的提出带来了一系列革命性变化,而随着计算机视觉向深度学习过渡以及硬件和大数据的进步,AI在图像识别领域展现出更广阔的发展前景。深度学习模型使得相关图像算法甚至达到了比人眼更高的识别准确率, 这为医学影像的发展提供了巨大契机。超声医学作为影像领域的重要分支,利用AI相关算法进行声像图分析的研究不断涌现,不仅为临床科研提供了新思路,亦有助于提高超声诊断的准确性。


    Abstract: As deep learning brings a series of revolutionary change, artificial intelligence has become a focus in various fields again in recent years. With the transition from computer vision to deep learning and the progress in hardware and big data, artificial intelligence, has demonstrated broader prospects for the development of image recognition. Image algorithm exploiting deep learning model has achieved better identification accuracy than the naked eye, which offers the possibility of making breakthrough in medical imaging field. Ultrasonography is a main branch of medical imaging. An increasing number of papers on research of the application of artificial intelligence-related algorithms into analyzing ultrasonographic images provide new insights into clinical research. Meanwhile, specific software is able to compensate for the practitioner's deficiency in experience and improve diagnostic accuracy as well.


