
Sepsis Is Not Infection: Stard for Surviving Sepsis Campaign

  • 摘要: Sepsis不同于感染,是机体对感染的反应失控而导致的危及生命的器官功能障碍。Sepsis的重点在于器官功能障碍而非感染,这可能是美国感染病学会(Infectious Disease Society of America,IDSA)与“拯救Sepsis运动(Surviving Sepsis Campaign,SSC)”在重症感染认知上的分歧。对于Sepsis而言,筛查至关重要,可更早地启动集束性治疗策略,从而改善患者预后。Sepsis的理念来源于循证医学证据及大数据研究结果,二者奠定了其坚实的理论基础。本文根据IDSA提出的争议话题,从SSC角度,阐述重症医学对Sepsis本质的认知。


    Abstract: Sepsis is not equal to infection. It is defined as life-threatening organ-dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection. Sepsis focuses on organ dysfunction instead of the infection, which is the main difference of opinion between Infectious Disease Society of America(IDSA) and Surviving Sepsis Campaign(SSC). Screening is the most important thing for sepsis in order to initialize the sepsis therapy-bundles to improve the patients' outcome. The definition and concept of sepsis originate from the evidence-based medicine and big data study. The methodology of sepsis keeps its development potential. This article interpreted the essence of sepsis to support SSC and disprove the opinions of IDSA.


