
From Cognition to Management: Interpretation of Experts Consensus on the Management of the Right Heart Function in Critically Ill Patients

  • 摘要: 《重症右心功能管理专家共识》是一部最早最全面的从重症角度出发进行右心功能管理的共识,该共识从右心病理生理、右心功能障碍相关疾病和右心功能管理3个层面进行阐述,将右心的前后负荷、舒张功能、收缩功能,其与体循环、肺循环、微循环以及与左心的关系一一清晰梳理,充分强调右心在重症血流动力学治疗理论中的地位,能够指导临床更好地理解、监测和管理右心功能。


    Abstract: Consensus on the Management of the Right Heart Function in Critically Ill Patients is the first consensus on the management of right heart function in the field of critical care medicine, which could be used to guide clinical practice. The consensus described pathophysiology of the right heart, right heart dysfunction related diseases, and the management of right heart function, and gave a clear description of the relationship of the preload, afterload, diastolic function, and systolic function of the right heart, and the relationship between right heart and the macrocirculation, microcirculation, pulmonary circulation, and the left heart. The consensus fully addressed the importance of the right heart function in the critical hemodynamic management theory and could guide the clinical practice of each right heart function related step, i.e., to monitor and manage the right heart function.


