
The Status of Warfarin in the Era of Novel Oral Anticoagulants

  • 摘要: 抗凝治疗是血栓栓塞性疾病,尤其是肺栓塞防治的重要措施。华法林作为经典的抗凝药物,从20世纪50年代起用于治疗血栓栓塞性疾病。相比华法林,新型口服抗凝药物(novel oral anticoagulants,NOACs)具有药代动力学稳定、可固定剂量使用、无须频繁监测凝血功能、与药物及食物相互作用少、药物安全性良好等突出优点。NOACs给临床医生带来更多用药选择的同时,也挑战了华法林在抗凝领域的地位。然而目前很多临床情况下,华法林的抗凝价值仍不可替代。


    Abstract: Anticoagulation therapy is an important measure for the treatment and prevention of thromboembolic diseases, especially pulmonary embolism. Warfarin, as a classic anticoagulant drug, has been applied to thromboembolic diseases since the 1950s. Compared with warfarin, novel oral anticoagulants(NOACs) have the advantages of stable pharmacokinetics, fixed-dose usage, no need for frequent monitoring of coagulation function, less interaction with drugs and foods, and good drug safety. The emergence of NOACs has given clinicians more choice of drugs, and it also challenges warfarin's position in the field of anticoagulation. However, there is no medicine to replace warfarin yet in many clinical scenarios. Warfarin still has the value of its existence.


