
Measurement of Anterior Chamber Depth and Axial Length with IOL-Master or Contact Ultrasonic Axial Scan: Comparison and Correlation

  • 摘要:
      目的  了解IOL-Master生物测量仪的准确性及可靠性。
      方法  对北京协和医院92例患者161眼分别用IOL-Master和A型超声测量前房深度及眼轴长度, 同时用IOL-Master及电脑验光仪测量角膜曲率。
      结果  IOL-Master和A型超声对前房深度的测量值分别为(2.94±0.19)和(2.77±0.13)mm, 两种方法比较差异有统计学意义(P < 0.001), 但两种测量方法无显著相关性(r=0.012, P>0.05)。IOL-Master和A型超声对眼轴长度的测量值分别为(24.10±2.36)和(23.91±2.13)mm, 两种方法比较差异有统计学意义(P < 0.01), 且两种测量方法具有显著相关性(r=0.983, P < 0.001)。IOL-Master和电脑验光仪测量角膜曲率分别为(44.38±1.66)和(44.12±1.62)D, 两种方法比较差异有统计学意义(P < 0.001)。
      结论  IOL-Master与A型超声均可用于眼前节相关参数测量, 基于光学原理基础, IOL-Master测量前房深度和眼轴长度具有良好的可靠性和准确性, 为临床生物测量提供了新的选择。


      Objective  To compare the results of the IOL-Master and contact ultrasonic axial scan (US Ascan) for anterior chamber depth (ACD) and axial length (AL) measurements.
      Methods  A total of 161 eyes of 92 cases were enrolled in this study. ACD and AL estimation were measured with IOL-Master and contact US A-scan, and the corneal curvature was measured by IOL-Master and computer refractometery.
      Results  The ACD measured by IOL-Master and contact US A-scan was (2.94±0.19) mm and (2.77±0.13) mm, respectively, which showed significant difference (P < 0.001); however, these two methods showed no significant correlation (r=0.012, P>0.05). The AL measured by IOL-Master and contact US A-scan was (24.10±2.36) mm and (23.91±2.13) mm, which was significantly different between these two measurement methods (P < 0.01), and the two measurement methods showed significant correlation (r=0.983, P < 0.001). The corneal curvature measured by IOL-Master and computer refractor keratometer was (44.38±1.66) D and (44.12±1.62) D, respectively, which showed significant difference (P < 0.001).
      Conclusions  Both IOL-Master and contact US A-scan can be used for the measurement of anterior segment parameters. Based on optical prin-ciples, IOL-Master can reliably measure ACD and AL, and thus provides a new option for clinical biological measurements.


