KrakauerEric L.. 如何负责任地回应他人痛苦?——对中国缓和医疗的再思考[J]. 协和医学杂志, 2024, 15(1): 7-11. DOI: 10.12290/xhyxzz.2023-0613
引用本文: KrakauerEric L.. 如何负责任地回应他人痛苦?——对中国缓和医疗的再思考[J]. 协和医学杂志, 2024, 15(1): 7-11. DOI: 10.12290/xhyxzz.2023-0613
Krakauer Eric L.. How to Respond Responsibly to Suffering of Others? Rethinking Palliative Care for China[J]. Medical Journal of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, 2024, 15(1): 7-11. DOI: 10.12290/xhyxzz.2023-0613
Citation: Krakauer Eric L.. How to Respond Responsibly to Suffering of Others? Rethinking Palliative Care for China[J]. Medical Journal of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, 2024, 15(1): 7-11. DOI: 10.12290/xhyxzz.2023-0613


How to Respond Responsibly to Suffering of Others? Rethinking Palliative Care for China

  • 摘要: 笛卡尔医学模式导致过度医疗已成为全球普遍现象。现代缓和医疗的兴起正是源于对笛卡尔医学模式的反思, 其主要目的是缓解重病患者的痛苦, 同时关注医学技术本身带来的不必要伤害。本文结合相关病例提出问题, 围绕解除痛苦的历史溯源、笛卡尔医学模式的观点与弊端、维持生命技术的应用与善终等方面展开讨论, 启发对中国缓和医疗发展的进一步思考与深刻理解。


    Abstract: The Cartesian medical model is leading to overmedicalization all over the world. Modern palliative care, derived from a reflection on the Cartesian medical model, aims to relieve the suffering of critically ill patients and their caregivers. It also focuses on the unnecessary harm of medical technology itself. This paper presents some issues from a case and inspires further thinking and profound understanding of China's palliative care by reviewing the history of relieving suffering, the views and shortcomings of the Cartesian medical model, and the application of life-sustaining treatment and good death.


