
How Do Clinicians Understand Meta-analysis

  • 摘要: Meta分析是系统评价的重要方法。随着循证医学的发展,Meta分析研究越来越多,解读Meta分析报告已成为获取医学前沿信息的重要方法之一,掌握Meta分析方法对于临床医生从事临床和科研工作大有裨益。本文通过实例对森林图、偏倚评价图和漏斗图的解读进行详细说明,并对异质性、稳健性和样本量的评估方法进行介绍,以期帮助临床医生正确掌握Meta分析文章的解读方法。


    Abstract: Meta-analysis is an important method of systematic review. With the development of evidence-based medicine, there are more and more meta-analysis published. Reading and interpreting meta-analysis becomes one of the important methods for obtaining cutting-edge information. Mastering meta-analysis is essential for physicians in clinical work and research. We explained the forest plot, chart of bias evaluation, and funnel plot in detail through examples in this article. Moreover, we introduced the evaluation method of heterogeneity, robustness, and sample size to assess whether the results of the meta-analysis are reliable and can be applied to the clinical practice, in order to help physicians to correctly grasp the interpretation methods of meta-analysis.


