
Like Teacher, Like Pupil: Chu Fu-tang in His Youth and Alexander Ashley Weech

  • 摘要: 诸福棠是我国现代儿科学奠基人, 其早期学术生涯中, 与北京协和医院儿科学教授亚历山大·阿什利·魏吉交往颇多。本文利用二人书信及其他史料, 研究了魏吉与青年诸福棠之交往, 追溯了诸福棠早期的学术成长之路, 在丰富我国儿科学史研究的同时, 希望能为青年学者的学术、职业发展提供经验。


    Abstract: Chu Fu-tang is the founding father of modern pediatrics in China. In his early life in Peking Union Medical College Hospital, he had a close relationship with his teacher Alexander Ashley Weech. By going through the letters of those two and relative people, along with other materials, the author tried to have a better under standing of their interaction and details of Chu Fu-tang's early academic career, from which young pediatricians could acquire academic and professional wisdom and experience. Also, this essay served as a part of the author's preliminary study of the history of pediatrics in China.


