
A Case of Sarcoidosis with Asymptomatic Cardiac Involvement

  • 摘要: 结节病是一种以非干酪样肉芽肿为特征的多系统受累性疾病,常见受累器官包括肺、心、眼、皮肤等。约2%~5%的结节病患者有心脏受累表现,有尸检研究显示结节病患者心脏受累发生率可高达25%~58%,但患者病情隐匿,常无心脏临床症状,容易漏诊或延误诊断,严重影响患者预后。本文报道一例隐匿型心脏结节病,分析其临床特征、实验室检查结果、诊治经过,提醒临床医生重视结节病患者的系统评估。


    Abstract: Sarcoidosis is a multi-system inflammatory disorder with the characteristics of non-caseating granulomas, which is most commonly involved in lungs, heart, eyes, skin, and other organs. Symptomatic cardiac involvement is found in about 2%~5% of sarcoidosis patients. However, autopsy studies have detected that approximately 25%~50% of sarcoidosis patients have asymptomatic cardiac involvement with a delayed diagnosis and poor prognosis. We report the clinical manifestations, laboratory examinations, diagnostic methods, and treatment of one sarcoidosis patient with latent cardiac involvement, to remind clinicians to pay attention to the systematic evaluation of sarciodosis.


