
Advance in the Topical Medication and Physical Therapy for Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma

  • 摘要: 皮肤T细胞淋巴瘤(cutaneous T cell lymphoma,CTCL)大多属于惰性淋巴瘤,病情进展缓慢,患者确诊时多处于疾病早期。局部用药和物理治疗在CTCL治疗中占重要地位,包括局部外用皮质类固醇激素、免疫抑制剂、维A酸,放疗及光疗等。近年来,有研究对CTCL传统局部用药和物理治疗方法的有效性和安全性进行了重新评估。同时,新型CTCL局部用药和物理治疗策略也不断涌现,如局部外用他扎罗汀、瑞喹莫特,紫外线A联合新型光敏剂的光化学疗法和光动力治疗等。本文对CTCL局部用药和物理治疗的研究进展作一综述。


    Abstract: Cutaneous T cell lymphoma(CTCL) are mostly indolent, which slowly progress. The patients usually get a definite diagnosis in the early stage. Topical medication and physical therapy are the mainstays in the treatment of CTCL, including topical corticosteroids, immunosuppressive agents, retinoids, radiation therapy, and phototherapy. In recent years, the efficacy and safety of traditional methods has been further evaluated. Meanwhile, some new strategies of topical medication and physical therapy such as topical tazarotene, topical resiquimod, ultraviolet A plus new photosensitizer, and photodynamic therapy have been employed for CTCL. This article reviewed the research progress of topical medication and physical therapy for CTCL.


