
Expert Consensus on the Scan and Report of Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography

  • 摘要: 冠状动脉CT血管成像(coronary computed tomography angiography, CCTA)检查已成为临床筛查冠状动脉疾病安全、可靠的首选技术之一。随着技术发展, 后64排高端CT设备近年已有大量装机, 但在扫描适应证、扫描方式及对比剂使用等方面仍存在大量不合理、不规范的现象, CCTA扫描与报告书写的规范化、标准化应用水平亟待提高。制定本共识的目的即是建立可共同遵循的扫描适应证及规范化扫描方案和影像报告等指导原则, 以便在全国范围内进行规范化推广应用。


    Abstract: Coronary computed tomography angiography(CCTA)has become one of the safe and reliable techniques for clinical screening of coronary artery disease. With the development of technology, a large number of upscale CT scanners have been in clinical application in recent years. However, there are still a lot of unreasonable and non-standardized phenomena in scanning indications, scanning methods, and the use of contrast agents. The standardization of CCTA scan and report needs to be improved urgently. The purpose of this consensus is to establish the common guidelines for standardization of indications, scan, and report, so that to promote standardized application nationwide.


