
Castleman Disease Variant of POEMS Syndrome: A Case Report

  • 摘要: 本文报道1例以发热、胸腹水起病, 相继出现皮肤、内分泌系统及神经系统多系统受累的无M蛋白的Castleman病变异型POEMS综合征病例。通过对患者临床表现、实验室检查结果及治疗反应的分析, 加强临床医生对不典型POEMS综合征的认识。


    Abstract: This paper reports a case of Castleman disease variant of POEMS syndrome that has no M protein but has several major and minor diagnostic criteria of POEMS syndrome including Castleman disease, vascular endothelial growth factor elevation, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, extravascular volume overload, papilledema, and skin changes. Through analyzing the clinical manifestations, laboratory examination results, and treatment responses of the patients, clinicians' understanding of atypical POEMS syndrome can be enhanced.


