
Disease Burden and Harm of Osteoarthritis

  • 摘要: 骨关节炎作为最常见的退行性肌骨系统疾病,全球疾病负担正日益加重。2019年,全球约5.3亿人受到骨关节炎困扰,其年龄标化发病率、标化患病率及标化伤残调整寿命年(disability-adjusted life years,DALYs)率分别为492.2/10万、6348.3/10万及228.0/10万。高收入北美地区的骨关节炎疾病负担最重;而高收入亚太地区的疾病负担增长速度最快。我国骨关节炎年龄标化发病率、标化患病率及标化DALYs率分别为509.8/10万、6330.1/10万及224.8/10万,高于亚洲平均水平。考虑庞大的人口基数与人口老龄化趋势,我国骨关节炎负担将进一步加重,预计2044年患病人数和DALYs将增至2019年的1.5倍。骨关节炎常见于中老年人,但近年来研究显示,其对年轻劳动人群的影响亦不可忽视。此外,绝经后女性、高体质量指数人群及农村与山区居民的骨关节炎发生风险相对较高。骨关节炎不仅增加了肌少症与骨折等肌骨疾病的发生风险,也增加了心血管疾病、糖尿病及心理认知障碍等多学科疾病的发生风险。未来我国骨关节炎疾病负担及相关医疗需求将进一步增加,临床医生应在全面了解骨关节炎疾病负担与危害的基础上,在治疗骨关节炎的同时,积极筛查、监测并及时干预其他相关疾病,减轻骨关节炎患者的疾病负担,尽力改善其生活质量。


    Abstract: Osteoarthritis, the most common degenerative musculoskeletal disease, has an increasingly heavy burden around the world. In 2019, approximately 530 million people suffered from osteoarthritis, with the age-standardized incidence rate of 492.2 per 100 000, the age-standardized prevalence rate of 6348.3 per 100 000 and the age-standardized rate of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) of 228.0 per 100 000. The heaviest burden is observed in high-income North America while the fastest growth of burden is observed in high-income Asia Pacific. The age-standardized rate of incidence, prevalence and DALYs in China were 509.8 per 100 000, 6330.1 per 100 000 and 224.8 per 100 000, respectively, which were higher than the average level in Asia. Considering the large and aging population in China, the disease burden will continue to increase and the prevalent number and DALYs in 2044 are expected to be 1.5 times higher than those in 2019. Although osteoarthritis is frequently seen in the elderly, the negative impact on young adults should not be ignored. Besides, postmenopausal women, individuals with high body mass index, and residents in rural and mountainous areas are also at relatively higher risk of osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis increases the risk of multiple diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and psychological cognitive impairment, as well as the sarcopenia and fractures. The increasing disease burdens and medical requirements in China indicate that clinicians have to fully understand the burden and harm of the disease, and conduct initial screening and intervention for the osteoarthritis-related diseases for patients. The long-term goal is to relieve the disease burdens and to improve the quality of life for osteoarthritis patients.


