
Cognitive Disorders Awareness and Associated Risk Factors in Xizang Autonomous Region

  • 摘要: 目的 认知障碍及其主要亚型阿尔茨海默病严重影响人脑认知健康。西藏自治区地处高原地区,流行病学调查显示阿尔茨海默病患病率高于平原地区。早期识别,及时就诊是认知障碍患者得以早期治疗和预防进展的关键。本研究旨在调查西藏自治区居民对认知障碍疾病知晓度及其影响因素,为针对性地开展防治工作提供依据。方法 对常住西藏自治区半年(180天)以上,年龄18岁以上,未曾被诊断认知障碍的人群进行横断面调查。参加者知情同意后,采用线上问卷调查或者面访的方式,采集人口学信息以及关于认知障碍和阿尔茨海默病知晓度相关问题。采用方差分析或卡方检验进行认知障碍知晓度三组间(不知晓,部分知晓,知晓良好)的分布特征比较。采用累积Logistic模型建模,对认知障碍知晓度按照有序分类变量作为因变量(不知晓,部分知晓,知晓良好,以较低的有序值累积建模),分析认知障碍知晓度的影响因素。并进一步根据职业分层(是否医务工作者)进行亚组分析。结果 共计313人参与调查,其中不知晓,部分知晓,知晓良好分别占7.4%,75.7%,16.9%。认知障碍知晓度三组间在年龄、民族、教育程度、职业、是否接触过“认知障碍”患者、以及就诊态度方面的分布特征存在显著性差异。累积Logistic多元回归模型发现,与认知障碍知晓度低显著相关的因素为低教育程度、未接触过“认知障碍”患者,以及非医务工作者。仅在一般人群(非医务工作者)中亚组分析发现,低教育程度、未接触过“认知障碍”患者仍为与认知障碍知晓度低显著相关的因素。结论 西藏自治区居民对认知障碍疾病的知晓度有待提升。提升整体教育程度、以及通过展示生动临床实例表现有助于提高公众知晓度,是健康教育及科普宣传的侧重点。虽然医务工作者知晓度高于非医务工作者,但作为医学的实践者和医学知识的传播者,对于认知障碍疾病的知晓度仍有待提升。


    Abstract: Objective: Cognitive Disorders and the major subtype, Alzheimer's disease, severely impact cognitive health in the human brain. The Xizang Autonomous Region is located in a high-altitude area, where a previous epidemiological survey indicated a higher prevalence of Alzheimer's disease compared to plain areas. Early identification and timely medical consultation are crucial for early treatment and prevention of disease progression. This study aims to investigate the awareness of cognitive disorders and the associated risk factors among Xizang residents, providing a basis for targeted prevention and treatment efforts. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among residents who have lived in Xizang for at least six months (180 days), aged 18 years old and over, and free of dementia. After obtaining informed consent, demographic information and questions related to awareness of cognitive disorders and Alzheimer's disease were collected through an online questionnaire or assisted interview. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) or chi-square tests were used to compare the distribution characteristics of cognitive disorders awareness among three groups (unaware, partially aware, and aware). A cumulative logistic model was employed to analyze factors influencing cognitive disorders awareness, treating awareness as an ordinal variable (unaware, partially aware, aware, in ascending order). Further subgroup analysis was conducted among the general population (non-healthcare workers). Results: 313 individuals participated in the survey, 7.4% unaware, 75.7% partially aware, and 16.9% aware of cognitive disorders. Significant differences in cognitive disorders awareness characteristics were found among age, ethnic groups, education levels, occupations, witnesses of cognitive disorders patients, and medical consultation intention. The cumulative logistic multivariate regression model identified low education level, no witnesses of cognitive disorders patients, and non-healthcare occupation as significant factors associated with decreased awareness. Further subgroup analysis revealed that low education level and no witnesses of cognitive disorders patients remained significant for decreased awareness in the general population (non-healthcare workers). Conclusion: Awareness of cognitive disorders in Xizang needs to be improved. Improvement of the general education level, health education, and science popularization can help improve public awareness. Although healthcare workers have higher awareness than non-healthcare workers, their awareness still need to be improved as healthcare practitioners and disseminators of medical knowledge.


