• 摘要: 为推动毛发移植技术的发展,特别是标准的建立,在整形美容专业国家级医疗质量控制中心的支持下,由毛发移植亚专业组牵头,邀请全国毛发移植领域的专家,在整理相关文献和专著的基础上,形成“毛发移植专业术语规范专家共识”讨论稿,以改良德尔菲法和共识会议相结合的方法,共同就毛囊解剖及分区、毛囊获取、毛囊分离与毛囊质量、毛囊种植等问题进行了多轮磋商,最终达成54条一致性意见。本共识兼顾了毛发移植技术应用中各专业名词的中英文本意及专业特性,突出了毛发移植技术特色和优势,传承精华、守正创新,以期为国内外从事毛发移植的临床研究者提供参考,更好地促进专业规范与发展。


    Abstract: In order to promote the development of hair transplantation, particularly the establishment of standards, the Hair Transplantation Expert Group of Plastic and Aesthetic National Medical Quality Control Center invited experts in the field of hair transplantation across China and formed a draft of the Expert Consensus on Standard Terminology for Hair Transplantation based on the collation of relevant literature and monographs. By combining Delphi methodology and consensus meetings, the expert group conducted several rounds of consultations on issues such as follicular unit anatomy, harvesting, dissection, and implantation, ultimately presenting 54 terminologies. This consensus considers the original Chinese and English meanings as well as the professional characteristics of terms used in hair transplantation, highlights the unique features and advantages of hair transplantation, and preserves its essence while promoting innovation, with the hope of providing valuable reference for clinical researchers engaged in hair transplantation both domestically and internationally, and better facilitating the standardization and advancement of the field.


