《胃食管反流病现代诊断的更新: 里昂共识2.0》解读
Interpretation of Updates to the Modern Diagnosis of GERD: Lyon Consensus 2.0
摘要: 2023年9月, 《胃食管反流病现代诊断的更新: 里昂共识2.0》于线上发布。其提出了23条共识声明, 更新了胃食管反流病(gastro-esophageal reflux disease, GERD)的现代定义、优化了GERD的诊断和管理流程, 为GERD诊疗提供了最新依据。该国际性共识基于评估原版共识发布以来的高质量研究而制订, 但由于循证证据的局限性, 且不同国家的国情、人群、经济水平等存有差异, 有必要对其在我国的适用性进行解读, 以期更好地促进共识内容传播和落地, 并为患者提供更符合临床实践的指导意见。Abstract: Updates to the modern diagnosis of GERD: Lyon consensus 2.0 was published online in September 2023. It presents 23 consensus statements that update the modern definition of gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) and optimize the diagnosis and management of GERD, providing an up-to-date basis for the diagnosis and treatment of GERD. The international consensus is based on the evaluation of studies conducted since the original consensus was published. However, due to the limitations of evidence-based evidence and the differences in national conditions, populations, and economic levels of different countries, it is necessary to interpret its applicability in China, so as to better promote the dissemination of its content and its implementation, and provide patients with the most appropriate guidance for clinical practice.