Current Status of Diagnosis and Treatment of High-risk Resistant and Recurrent Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia
摘要: 妊娠滋养细胞肿瘤(gestational trophoblastic neoplasia, GTN)可根据国际妇产科联盟临床分期及预后评分系统将患者分为低危和高危两大类, 其中高危患者具有较高的单药化疗耐药风险, 应首选联合化疗。然而, 仍有部分高危患者在联合化疗后出现耐药或在治愈后复发, 此类患者异质性强, 后续治疗难度大, 近年来受到研究者广泛关注。本文就高危耐药及复发GTN患者的危险因素及治疗策略进行综述, 以期为早期识别高风险患者及其精准治疗提供依据。Abstract: Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN) patients can be classified into low-risk and high-risk patients based on the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics(FIGO) staging and scoring system. High-risk patients have a higher risk of resistance to single-agent chemotherapy and require combination chemotherapy. Even worse, there are some high-risk patients who develop resistance to combination chemotherapy or experience recurrence after cure. These patients exhibit strong heterogeneity and pose significant challenges to subsequent treatment, thus attracting considerable attention in recent years. Therefore, this article aims to review the risk factors and treatment strategies for high-risk resistant and recurrent GTN patients, in order to provide a basis for early identification of high-risk patients and their precise treatment.