
Method for Developing Patient Decision Aid in China

  • 摘要:
    目的  在医患共同决策的驱动下,系统性研制中国患者决策辅助工具开发流程与方法,以期为相关研究人员开发患者决策辅助工具提供方法学指导。
    方法  文献回顾国际上关于患者决策辅助工具开发的方法学资料,梳理不同组织患者决策辅助工具开发流程与方法的异同,结合核心工作组专题讨论,形成开发方法初稿,随后邀请多学科领域专家进行德尔菲法共识,根据共识意见对初稿内容进行修订和完善,再次征求专家意见后,最终定稿。
    结果  共纳入13个框架或方法,形成包含3个阶段、13个步骤和48条要点的开发方法初稿,邀请了19名多学科领域专家进行共识,最终形成包含3个阶段、11个步骤和24条要点的开发方法终稿。
    结论  该方法为我国决策辅助工具的开发提供了指导,有望填补该领域的方法学空白,未来将基于具体决策问题对该方法进行多轮试点,进一步修订和完善开发流程与方法。


    Objective  To systematically construct a guideline to provide a methodological guide for researchers to develop patient decision aids.
    Methods  Through a literature review of international methodological guidance for developing patient decision aids, sorting out the similarities and differences in the processes and methods for developing patient decision aids, and combining them with the topic discussion of the working group, the initial guideline was drafted.
    Results  A total of 13 guidances was included, with the initial version containing 3 phases, 13 steps, and 48 points. We invited 19 multidisciplinary domain experts for forming consensus. The final version of the guideline contains 3 phases, 11 steps, and 24 points.
    Conclusions  The guideline has great potential to guide the development of patient decision aids in China and is expected to fill the methodological gap in the field. In the future, several rounds of pilot testing of the guideline based on specific decision issues will be conducted, and the guideline will be further revised and improved.


