
Considerations and Methodological Suggestions on Health Equity in Clinical Practice Guideline Development

  • 摘要: 健康公平性能够缩小不同群体之间的健康差异, 使公民享有公平的健康服务。目前, 指南制订者越来越重视对健康公平性的考虑, 并在指南制订的过程中进行了初步探索和应用。但现有指南制订过程对于健康公平性的结构化和系统化构建考虑较少, 其对未来指南制订的指导较有限。本文探讨在指南制订关键环节对健康公平性系统化构建进行深入思考的方法学建议, 以期为指南制订者提供参考。


    Abstract: Health equity can narrow the health gap between different groups and enable citizens to enjoy fair health services. Clinical practice guideline makers have been paying more and more attention to health equity, and exploring and applying the consideration to the development of corresponding guidelines. However, existing clinical practice guideline development gives little consideration to the structured and systematic construction of health equity, and the guidance for future guidelines is limited. This paper aims to put forward methodological suggestions for in-depth consideration of health equity in clinical practice guideline development, withthe hope of providing reference for guideline developers.


