
Preoperative Evaluation and Timing of Surgery for Adult Patients After COVID-19 Infection: Recommendations of Peking Union Medical College Hospital (2023)

  • 摘要: 随着我国疫情防控措施的调整,新型冠状病毒感染患者的术前评估、手术时机选择已成为医患双方共同关注的焦点问题。为此,北京协和医院组织相关多学科专家,遵循简明、个体化、分层分型、临床可操作的原则,结合最新临床指南、国内外临床研究证据与经验,编写了《北京协和医院成人新型冠状病毒感染患者术前评估与手术时机选择建议(2023)》。本建议提出,成人新型冠状病毒感染患者术前评估需关注新型冠状病毒感染史、症状严重程度、康复情况等;综合考虑患者基础疾病、症状严重程度、手术麻醉等因素,进行全面、个体化的评估,从而为医务人员开展术前评估及手术时机选择提供决策支持,有助于加强围术期管理并提升术后康复质量。


    Abstract: With the adjustment of China's epidemic prevention and control guidelines regarding coronavirus disease of 2019(COVID-19), the preoperative evaluation and timing of surgery for patients after COVID-19 infection have become the focus of attention for both healthcare workers and patients. Based on the latest study and related clinical experience, Peking Union Medical College Hospital (PUMCH) has therefore compiled this multidisciplinary, evidence-based recommendation for concise, individualized, and practical preoperative evaluation and timing of surgery for patients after COVID-19 infection. The recommendations emphasize patients' COVID-19 infection history, the severity of symptoms, and medical/physiologic recovery status during preoperative evaluation. The determination of appropriate length of time between recovery from COVID-19 and surgery/procedure should take into account of patients' underlying health conditions, the severity of the COVID-19 infection course, and the types of surgery and anesthesia scheduled, to minimize postoperative complications. The recommendations are intended to aid healthcare workers in evaluating these patients, scheduling them for the optimal timing of surgery, and optimizing perioperative management and postoperative recovery.


