
Quality Improvement Project in the Healthcare Field and Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence

  • 摘要: 近年来,质量改进方法学在各领域的应用日益增多,其在医学领域的应用也逐渐受到重视。医学领域的质量改进是在需达到的医疗目标指引下,采用不断循环改进的方法将现有知识转化为临床实践,通过可量化改进指标的变化验证所采取的改进措施是否有效,从而完善医疗过程、改善医疗质量。本文介绍医疗领域质量改进项目的结构及论文报告规范,包括标题与摘要、引言、方法、结果、讨论部分的内容及要素,并举例解析,为医护人员开展医疗领域质量改进研究提供参考。


    Abstract: With the increasing usage of quality improvement (QI) methodology, the application of QI in healthcare field is gradually gaining attention. QI in healthcare field, guided by the specific aim, is to use the methodology of continuous and cyclic interventions to transform existing knowledge into clinical practice and to measure whether the interventions are effective through monitoring of quantifiable indicators, so as to improve the medical process and outcomes. In this paper, we introduce the structures of QI projects and reporting elements, including the title and abstract, introduction, results and discussion section, and offer examples for detailed explanation, with the hope of helping medical staff to better understand QI in the field of healthcare.


